هیچ وقت دیر نیست برای از عشق گفتن از عشق نوشتن حتی اگه از روز ولنتاین چند روز گذشته باشه... هیچ وقت دیر نیست برای عاشق شدن فکر میکردم که فقط یک بار میشه عاشق شد فقط یک بار میشه قلبت و به کسی سپرد اما الان چیز دیگه ای و میبینم. اماIt's never as good as the first time. آهای غریبه مرسی از هدیه.
Good times they come and they go
Never going to know
What fate is going to blow
You're way just hope it feels right
Sometimes it comes and it goes
You take it ever so slow
And then you lose it, then it flows right to you
So we rely on the past
Special moments that last
Were they as tender as we dare to remember
Such a fine time as this
What could equal the bliss
The thrill of the first kiss
It'll blow right to you
It's never as good as the first time
Never as good as the first time
Good times they come and they go
Never going to know
It's like the weather
One day chicken next day feathers
The rose we remember
The thorns we forget
We'd love and leave
We never spend a minute on regret
It is a possibility
The more we know the less we see
Second time, second time is not quite what it seems
Natural as the way we came to be
Second time won't live up to the dream
It's never as good as the first time
Never as good as the first time
Natural as the way we came to be
Second time won't live up to the dream
Natural as the way we came to be
Second time is not quite what it seemed
It's never
As good as the first time
As the first time (Never as good as the first time)
شهر من شهر تنهایی هاست شهر من کوچه هایش مملو از ترس و دلهره.. شهر من شهر مردگان است. مرده ام من..شاید!!!روزهاست نه انگار سالهاست که نیستی و من مرده ام. روزی خواستم سلطان قلب مهربانت باشم اما مرثیه گوی قلبت شدم..شهر من... شهر من بی تو خالیست بی تو مرداب است..سوت و کور است بی تو انگار آسمان هم از دستم گله دارد وای بر من که ندانسته دچار شدم.بی تو دریا مرداب بی تو ساحل مغموم.. بی تو لحظات چه بیهوده چه پوچ..بی تو این شهر چه زندان ملال انگیزیست.